Book “The Educational Value of Traditional Karate-do” has been published.


We are proud and happy to announce that the book under the name “The Educational Value of Traditional Karate-do” has been already published.


It contains articles that are expanded versions of the presentations given by the speakers of the 2. Scientific Budo Conference which took place on October 13, 2016 at the Japanese Martial Arts and Sports Centre Dojo – Stara Wieś, but it also contains texts submitted after the conference. The speakers came to Dojo Stara Wieś from all over the world.


The authors of the articles are:

Soolmaz Abooali

PhD candidate; George Mason University, United States; 11-time US National Champion, world medalist, USA team member in traditional karate-do; 4th dan traditional karate-do

Maria Depta

PhD candidate, Master of Law; University of Łódź, Poland; World Champion and medalist in traditional karate-do; 3nd dan traditional karate-do

Renata Grzywacz

PhD, University of Rzeszów, Poland

Masakazu Hashimoto

Japan Karate-do Federation, Japan; advisor to the World

Traditional Karate-do Federation Board of directors; 128 Chief director of the Japan Health Project Promotion Society; 6th dan karate wado-ryu

Ilija Jorga

Professor, MD, PhD, Serbia; founder and executive president of the World Fudokan Federation; 10th dan karate fudokan

Joanna Kamień

Master of Polish Philology, University of Gdańsk, Poland; director of the Gdańsk University Press

Jacek Karski

MD, PhD, Medical University in Lublin, Poland

Tomasz Karski

Professor, MD, PhD; Vincent Pol University in Lublin, Po- land; former head of Paediatric orthopaedics and Rehabili- tation department of Medical University in Lublin, Poland

Luiza Kliczkowska

Master of Law, PhD candidate, University of Gdańsk, Poland

Artur Krzyżanowski

Master of Psychology, Poland; member of Committee of Scientific Research, Idokan Poland Association; Butoku Academy of Poland, World Shotokan Institiute, Poland; Karate-do Ryobu-Kai, Poland; International okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation; 7th dan karate shotokan

Reinhard Lindner

Master of Business Administration, Vienna University, Austria; member of the Austrian-Japanese Corporation (ÖJG) and the German-Japanese Corporation (dJG); 5th dan traditional karate-do

Magdalena Marcinkowska

PhD, Master of Law, Master of Political Sciences, Univer- sity of Gdańsk, Poland; assistant to the deputy Minister of Culture and National Heritage of the Republic of Poland

Marta Niewczas

PhD, Master of Law, University of Rzeszów, Poland; 6-time World Champion in traditional karate-do; 4th dan traditional karate-do

Koei Nohara

Master of Cultural Anthropology, okinawa, Japan; presi- dent of the okinawa Karate-do Shorinryu Ryukyukan Ka- rate Kobudo Federation, president of the All Ryukyus Full Contact Karate-do Association Uchinah diy Assosiation; 9th dan karate shorinryu

Przemysław Rybiński

Master of Law, University of Gdańsk, Poland; advocate, member of the Pomeranian Bar Association; 2nd kyu tra- ditional karate-do

José Humberto de Souza

Master of Civil Engineering, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil; international class ‘A’ referee in World Traditional Karate-do Federation; founder and president of the Association of Shotokan Karate Center America; 7th dan traditional karate-do

Jacek Splisgart

PhD, associate professor at University of Gdańsk; 1st dan karate shotokan; 1st dan judo; blue belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu

Janusz Szymankiewicz

PhD, Eminent scholar and practitioner of Chinese and Japanese martial arts.

Łukasz Wójcik

Master of Civil Engineering, Wrocław, Poland; 2-time World Champion, 2-time European Champion, 3-time Polish National Champion in traditional karate-do; 4th dan traditional karate-do

Kioshi Yamazaki

Master of Economy, Senshu University, Japan; founder of International Iai-Tate do Federation; member of World Karate Federation’s Technical Committee; chairman of the Pan- American Karate Federation’s Technical Committee; chairman of the USA National Karate-do Federation’s Tech- nical Committee; chef instructor and technical director Ja- pan Karate-do Ryobu-Kai; 9th dan karate-do

Kamil Zeidler

Professor, PhD, Master of Law, University of Gdańsk, Po- land; director of the Centre for East Asian Studies at the University of Gdańsk; 1st dan traditional karate-do


This book is an expression of our respect for our teacher, one of the greatest masters of traditional karate-do in the 20th century – Hidetaka Nishiyama Sensei.

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